Campout Checklist

These lists will help you "be prepared" for Camping with Troop 35. There are two types of campouts we commonly do, the "Troop Trailer" based campout and the "Self Sufficient" campout. Each style dictates what we carry, so there are two lists below.

All items should be clearly marked with the Scout's name, including clothing, socks, underwear, etc. We recommend that each day's clothing be packed in plastic bags inside the Scout's duffel bag. It is very important that each Scout pack his own gear so he knows what he has packed and where it is in his pack.

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"Troop Trailer" based campout: on these campouts the Scouts need only to carry sleeping gear, personal items, and clothes. Food, cooking gear (but not eating gear), and shelter are provided: Here's a basic list of what the Scout will need to bring.

REMEMBER: All this is "in the book"! Refer to it often.

"Self Sufficient" campout: on these campouts the Scouts need to carry EVERYTHING, including Food, cooking gear, shelter, sleeping gear, personal items, and clothes. Nothing else is provided. "Self Sufficient" campouts generally include hikes, canoe trips, and trips where the trailer cannot be taken, and require a great deal of planning and forethought. As a troop, we will go through detailed planning, and the Scout Handbook is great resource.

The list for a "Self Sufficient" campout is very similar to the "Troop Trailer" based campout, with the addition of shelter, cooking gear, and food. Also, lighter gear and a minimalist approach are used: Remember that what you bring is what you carry. No one else will carry it. Normally, Scouts will pair up to split up communal items to carry.

A detailed discussion of "Self Sufficient" camping/hiking gear is located here. (links to High Adventure Personal Equipment List)

What not to bring on a Campout

What you may bring if qualified


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